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From Stanley Krippner

Book Informations

  • Released: 2015-10-26
  • Pages: 24
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1944529101
  • ISBN-13:9781944529109


Telepathy is one manifestation of the collective phenomena that para­psychologists refer to as ESP. It involves information received by a subject (percipient, recipient, or receiver) from an agent (transmitter or sender), apparently through some type of "mind-to-mind" contact. The role of telepathy in affecting human behavior needs further exploration, as it may be more influential than is commonly suspected. This essay, chapter 4 from Psychic Exploration, is devoted to telepathy. The full volume of Psychic Exploration can be purchased as an ebook or paperback version from all major online retailers and at cosimobooks.com.




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