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An A to Z of Atlantis

From Simon Cox

Book Informations

  • Released: 2008
  • Pages: 239
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:184596263X
  • ISBN-13:9781845962630


The island of Atlantis is an enigma around which ancient legends, myths, speculation and controversy gather. In An A to Z of Atlantis, Simon Cox and Mark Foster outline all the latest facts and theories concerning this perennially intriguing subject in a concise and easy-to-navigate format. Many fascinating questions are answered, including: . Where was the fabled island of Atlantis? . Is there really evidence of a lost civilisation? . Did a cataclysmic event cause the island to sink beneath the waves? . Were the advanced civilisations of the Maya and the Ancient Egyptians founded by survivors of the destruction of Atlantis? . What did Plato and the Ancient Greeks know about the island and its people? Containing photographs which allow the reader to visualise the subject matter, An A to Z of Atlantis is an essential reference source.




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