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The Labyrinth

From Catherynne M. Valente

Book Informations

  • Released: 2004
  • Pages: 181
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1894815653
  • ISBN-13:9781894815659


Here Monsters are hidden ... A lyrical anti-quest through a conscious maze without center, borders, or escape--a dark pilgrim's progress through a landscape of vicious Angels, plague houses, crocodile-prophets, tragic chess-sets, and the mind of an unraveling woman, driven on by the mocking guide who seeks to destroy as much as save. Enter the world of the Labyrinth, where Doors do not wait to be opened, but hunt you in the night. This is Zarathustra in Wonderland, a puzzle which defies solution, a twisted path through language and madness... But where will you hide?




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