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From Claudio Hernández

Book Informations

  • Released: 2021-06-20
  • Pages: 138
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1667404768
  • ISBN-13:9781667404769


Synopsis "WATER": He was called "Coñingan" for his peculiar way of solving serial killer cases. Detective Sean Rickman had no powers or a gift with which to see the killer's face, but he had a good intuition and an intelligence far superior to others. However, in the fall of 2020, in the midst of a pandemic and great storms, there was a killer ahead of him. So much so, that the detective was unable to pursue any theory or hypothesis as bodies appeared drowned in streams, near the lush Maine woods. A killer, with a mental power and a dark way of thinking that no one had ever shown before, knew Rickman's every step, ahead of the detective who never caught a cold. Who was capable of killing young women without leaving any trace, despite his rampage against them? What mental power did the killer have that surpassed all human intelligence? Serial killers are always more intelligent than we all think. The killer had been nicknamed "WATER".




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