Is this portal for free?

Yes, this portal ist completely free.

How does the book trade work?

You can offer your no longer needed books to others for free or for trade.
You can start a conversation with others by clicking the "trade book" Button.

How do I trade my books?

If you live nearby you can just meet for a quick exchange.
Otherwise you can send your books by post.

Do I have to input all my personal data?

No, you can use this site completely anonymously by just tracking your book collection.
We do not care about your data and don't plan to sell them.
Your data is only relevant in order to perform trades with others.

Book-Sharing for authors/publisher

book-sharing.net offers you the possibility to share your books/e-books with your audiance for free.
Satisfied readers of a book are likely to buy all the other books so using this function especially for the first books a your book series.

E-Books sharing

E-Books can only be shared by the right owners.
Please inform us of unlawful uploads so we can delete them promptly.

I have further questions

Sure, just write a mail to:

Book-Sharing 2025 - Impressum | Datenschutz