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Fragmentos de Memórias Autorizadas

From Neusa Arnold-Cortez

Book Informations

  • Released: 2020-05-06
  • Pages: 160
  • Language: pt
  • ISBN-10:3750490031
  • ISBN-13:9783750490031


This book focuses on the experiences of people who survived World War II, one of the most obscure and complex phases in world history. A book with absolutely authentic information - distilled from unique sources. It refers to the very personal testimonies of some of the "Witnesses of Time", or "sons of the War" - the last German generation who experienced this war in their own skin. This generation, through its reports and records, has contributed, decisively, in Germany today, to the national awareness that the mistakes of the past should not be repeated in German territory. The testimonials were written in a very understandable way for everyone who has an interest in the History of Contemporary and World Germany.




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