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Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich

From Napoleon Hill

Book Informations

  • Released: 2008
  • Pages: 136
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1921203633
  • ISBN-13:9781921203633


Napoleon Hill is one of the world's most enduringly popular motivational authors. He spent much of his life researching wealthy people and working out what characteristics made them so successful. Through his interviews with hundreds of the most affluent men and women of his time he discovered that if we can learn to think like the rich we can start to emulate their success. In Think and Grow Rich Hill explained the thirteen simple steps in his formula for success and by understanding and applying them you can change your life. The original version of "Think and Grow Rich" is a classic containing advice on everything from making your first million to leadership excellence and even maintaining loving relationships. It is unlikely that there is a personal development seminar anywhere on the planet that can't trace its roots back to Think and Grow Rich. This brilliant interpretation is a companion to, not a substitute for the 1937 original.




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