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Children and Childhood in the Works of Stephen King

From Debbie Olson

Book Informations

  • Released: 2020-10-06
  • Pages: 352
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1793600139
  • ISBN-13:9781793600134


This unique and timely collection examines childhood and the child character throughout Stephen King’s works, from his early novels and short stories, through film adaptations, to his most recent publications. King’s use of child characters within the framework of horror (or of horrific childhood) raises questions about adult expectations of children, childhood, the American family, child agency, and the nature of fear and terror for (or by) children. The ways in which King presents, complicates, challenges, or terrorizes children and notions of childhood provide a unique lens through which to examine American culture, including both adult and social anxieties about children and childhood across the decades of King’s works.




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