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The Geography of Crime (RLE Social & Cultural Geography)

From David J. Evans

Book Informations

  • Released: 2014-01-10
  • Pages: 366
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:1317907302
  • ISBN-13:9781317907305


This book presents original research into contemporary geographical aspects of the study of crime. The contributors, drawn from different disciplines within the social sciences and from various countries, give a review of the subject which provides a valuable insight into the geography of crime. Their approaches range from the behavioural to the environmental, and the crimes dealt with include violent crime and residential burglary. The book examines data sources, discusses different crimes and ways of studying them and considers the fear of crime. The criminal justice system in the UK is examined in detail, including policy, the operations of community and police committees and an account of the experience of crime prevention policies in Britain and North America is also given.




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