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Think and Grow Rich!

From Napoleon Hill

Book Informations

  • Released: 2015-03-17
  • Pages: 416
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:0990797619
  • ISBN-13:9780990797616


"Think and Grow Rich!" is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too. If there is one must-have guide you need on the road to high achievement and success—to real riches in every aspect of your life—this is it. Unlike most versions of Dr. Hill's book, this edition restores his masterpiece to its original form and intent. It includes essential material on how to thrive in challenging economic times that was taken out of later versions but is incredibly relevant today. This is the only edition of "Think and Grow Rich!" that is fully annotated and indexed, providing key details about Dr. Hill's life and times, his life-long research, and the leaders of business and industry he studied to learn the invaluable principles of success you'll discover here. "This is the best single book on personal success ever written: it made me a millionaire—starting from nothing."—Brian Tracy, author of "Getting Rich Your Own Way" “It's the classic of all classics.” —Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive" “Reading 'Think and Grow Rich!' many years ago helped me to become the world's greatest retail salesperson. A must to read if you want to become somebody.” —Joe Girard, World's #1 Retail Salesperson, as attested by "The Guinness Book of World Records" “I thought 'Think and Grow Rich!' was a classic and could never be improved. I was wrong. I am sure Dr. Hill would be greatly pleased to see how his work has been honored and enhanced by this outstanding new edition.”—Wally Amos, founder of Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies and author of "The Cookie Never Crumbles" “This book is a jewel! Buy lots of copies for your friends and clients.” —Dottie Walters, CSP, Founder of Walters International Speakers Bureau




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