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Napoleon Hill's Keys to Positive Thinking

From Napoleon Hill

Book Informations

  • Released: 2004-10
  • Pages: 174
  • Language: en
  • ISBN-10:0937539848
  • ISBN-13:9780937539842


You can change your life with this small book. It contains the key to your success: PMA, positive mental attitude. You can achieve PMA and realize your dreams when you follow the proven principles outlined simply and clearly in this step-by-step guide.A VIEW OF THE PROMISED LANDIn the Bible we are told that just before Moses reached the end of his life, God led him up to the top of Mount Nebo and showed the great leader the land that was going to belong to the Israelites. Before you begin this journey to take charge of your life, you, too, deserve a vision of where you are going. You are coming to the end of an old way of living and are soon to embark on a new beginning. Starting now, you will be casting off old, energy-draining, negative ways of looking at the world and replacing them with the irresistibly invigorating life that comes with a Positive Mental Attitude. Carry this image of hope with you -- the hope of what PMA will do for you. Imagine, from this day on:You will recognize that you have a God-given creative power within you.You will develop control of your emotions so that you can always direct their creative power for your own good.You will eliminate all the negative attitudes that have resulted from your ineffective reaction to past experiences.You will overcome your fears, realizing that they have a destructive influence upon your creative power if you permit them to dominate your mind.You will picture only good things happening to you so that this creative power will be expressed only within a good and positive framework.You will stop brooding over your past failures and tragedies and stop causing them to be repeated in your life.You will direct your strongest feelings and desires toward the things you really want in life.You will never knowingly use the creative power of PMA for selfish or evil purposes, knowing that the misuse of it can cause it to destroy you and all that you value.Attaining these benefits (your birthright as a human being) will be your goal from this day on. Nothing can stop you, and the only resource you need is your own commitment to making it happen.--From the Introduction




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